Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Allow me to explain

Having just posted my last, I've already gotten back a lot of heat.

"Oh, BestYet you racist"
"BestYet, you real f*@&ed up for saying that about Africans"


Let me remind each and every one of you of this one truth...

This site was built to express, not only the things that occur in Esco and my daily lives, but to address issues that truly concern us both. One being Africans.

Esco will not openly come out and admit it due to the fact that he lives in Paris France and by doing so he'd basically be signing his own death warrant. As for I and I, I could care less.

We live in a world where one must watch each and every word they say, otherwise they lose their jobs, careers, marriages, you name it. And on top of that one must always put their tail between their legs and publicly beg for forgiveness.

No, me, let's just say I ain't the one. Not the most politically correct guy, nor do I try to be. I don't intend on saying hurtful things to or about people, but sometimes that's just how it has to be in order for my message to come across.

So I say this to all of you now who are quick to take offense, I will NOT sugarcoat anything. I'll continue to call it like I see it and if you have a problem with that, read another blog in your leisure time.

Anyhow, frig you.

Why they always gotta...

First things first....*sigh*

I've been living in the Netherlands now for 6 full years and being here I've seen many things.

In my time living here I've toured at least a dozen European countries, I've seen many places and many faces. I've seen that Dutch people really go the extra mile when it comes to expressing themselves through dress/attire.

I've seen girls and grown women dressed like Cabbage Patch Kids, like witches, like all sorts of things. I've seen skinheads and chicks with patched heads walking the streets with pride.

I've seen men wearing hot-pants (short shorts) with there boxers showing, kind of like how it was in the NBA 15+ years ago, before MJ introduced the baggy, longer shorts. Thanks MJ!

I've come accustomed to Moraccans, Turks, Indo's, Asians, hardcore Muslims: men in the dresses and slippers or sports shoes and women in them curtain/ drape numbers.

But the one thing that I have not been able to accept or deal with properly has been the Africans.

Now, I myself am just 3 generations removed from Cameroon, where my ancestors hail from. Even with this knowledge of my family tree, I, in NO way, feel connected to Africa.

Not that there is anything wrong with Africa *ahem* breeding grounds for HIV/AIDS *ahem*.

Not that it doesn't provide some of the best scenic view on planet Earth *ahem* and the most pungent smelling people *ahem*.

Now now, I am not here to bash on Africans, nor has it ever been my intent, but sometimes they go a bit far. I've always been a believer in pushing the envelope, but they push it, fold it backwards, turn it inside out and beyond. You give them an inch, they take a mile. You give them a liter of deodorant spray, they....I digress.

I see them dress in the most nonsensical combinations ever, I've seen hairdos that would wow Scott Pollard.

Never did I expect to see what I'm about to show you. Never did I think that a loving mother, would do such a thing to her young daughter, knowing FULL WELL that they are no longer in the motherland. Never did I think I'd see the day.

Now when I was seated on the train and saw the mother with her tacky swirl-do did I think the two girls following her would be jacked up that much more, but was I wrong and BOY did my eyes open up.

I thought to myself at that moment I should take a picture, but they walked through the small cabin quite quickly. I'm not the type to follow people to take photos of....oh yea, I am- my bad.

In this situation I was in no way about to lose my seat to take a snapshot of these folks.

But then as the train approached my stop and I headed towards the exit, I saw that the African clan had stayed at the exit the whole time. I took this as a sign from above to take a secretive mugshot and post it up on THESE internets.

Brace yourself!

Questions to the mother;

How the f*@& you going to give the child a lion's mane hairdo?

How the f*@& you going to do it with blonde streaks?

Do you not love your children? Yes, her older sister was jacked up too.


I took this picture about 3 months ago. When I took it, it brightened up my day in a way that you wouldn't believe, but since then I've been truly conflicted as to whether I should post it on these particular internets, or just let it die with me.

I then came to the realization that it would be wrong of me to keep this from masses, it would wrong NOT to put the Africans on blast for such tomfoolery.

I hope that by posting this that Africans out there will see and know that such things are wrong and that in the future things will change. If I can bring that awareness by putting this young unsuspecting, well-deserving little girl on blast, then I think I've done my part.

Again, I love Africans and want the best for them as we head into decade two of this millenium.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Can You Say Chi- City?

Now I consider myself a sh*t talker. Basically I live to talk sh*t. It's what I do. But like everything, you must always keep in mind that there is someone else around who's better at it than you are. Unless your name is LeBron James. But that's neither here nor there. Anyhow, this man here is my superior in this particular department.

So during one of my daily adventures on the www, I decided to go to Youtube and see what interesting things I can come upon, and trust me, I see some crazy sh*t.

Lo and behold, I found that a person I 'followed' (and I use that term lightly seeing I basically watched most of the videos in one day) had decided to make a comeback. And he came back strong.

Ladies and gentlemen, I present: Mr Chi-City. The stage is yours sir:

And it just gets better...

What can I say? I am a fan of sh*t talkers.

A personal favourite of mine:

And the verdict:

Chi-City MAYNE!!!!

Esco out.

Friday, July 17, 2009

No Really...

What part of 'Slaps Only' didn't he understand? Friends like these are the ones you have to stab in the back once in a while so they can understand that they must not mess around with you. Just to keep things fair.

I mean wow. Slap Only dude. His girlfriend would have found out all his secrets. And the next 5 girlfriends after that also.

With friends like these, who needs enemies?

Esco out.

Never on schedule, but always on time

Yea, I'm still breathing.

If your wondering why I haven't posted anything in about 2 months it's because I've been quite busy as Team Manager of the Netherlands national Men's U16 Basketball team. We cut the selection from 15 to 13 the end on June. Exciting times, then it sucked though, had to miss Quai 54 in Paris this year. I'll try to make it out for the tournament next year if I can.

If you haven't wondered anything then cool, I could take longer breaks from this blog and also F@$* YOU. You should be wondering and checking the blog daily for updates.

Like I said, I'm still breathing.

Might not sound too amped, but believe you me, I am. After spending a night in Latvia earlier this week, I've found a new appreciation for life.

I know you think that was me setting the premise for a story, but that isn't what I came on to share with you. I actually don't care to share anything with you, but if one more person asks me when I'll post something again I'm going to puke on them.... like the guy on the flight back from Birmingham last week - CLASSIC!

Dude just kept going and going....and going. Resulting in him being laughed out and laughed out... and laughed out by the last 10 rows on the flight. When you have 25 people sitting around you hearing and watching you puke all over yourself....BEFORE the plane even takes off, I should kill yourself. I'm sure that it's written somewhere that you won't burn in Hell for all eternity if you kill yourself after puking your guts out of a flight filled with people just itching for something to laugh at. And believe you me, like Katt Williams- I got my 7 chuckles in and then some.
I basically laughed at the dude for half hour. Dude had already spend 20 minutes in the bathroom cleaning himself off and changed into a pair of khaki shorts and a t-shirt from the puke-soaked casual dresswear, holding him nasty puke shoes and went to the front of the plane for the remainder of the flight.

I genuinely felt bad for the guy, I mean me and the other members of the coaching staff were having a conversation with dude at the boarding gate, but yeah.

I think the funniest moment was was after hearing rounds 1 and 2 I turned around to see the rucus going on and realized it was him.

The guy looked at me dead in the eye, with that look of utter disstress and discomfort. We've all puked before and the feeling that comes along with it is absolutely horrible and in a split second when our eyes connected I felt all his pain and with his eyes he said to me, "Friend, please help me. Make the pain stop."

My eye-response, " nuh. Puke on my feet and I'll give you something to puke about."

Well, directly after our connection dude let 'er rip! That alone had me and my staff laughing for a half hour. It was totally awesome, laughing from that deep place inside, so deep that it hurts.

It was funny, because dude started out okay- puking in the aisle, but it was so much and drained his energy so much that I guess he gave up trying. Trying being puking to the right (into the aisle). Dude just put his head down and went all over himself. COMPLETELY covered in his own mess...then the stench.

Damn, need I say more?


This wasn't what I wanted to share, but whatever, it ran through my mind and my fingers ran with it.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Fastest

Have you ever been recognized as being the fastest...anything? No? Well, that makes both of us. Although I was the fastest in the highschool 100 meter races, but yeah, who the hell cares, right? Exactly. Anyhow, as I was roaming on the World Wide Web (comme d'habitude) I saw this video. Found it interesting and decided to share.

Some of these people should be considered the most dangerous people on the planet. You'll see soon enough.


Esco out.

Swan Dive

Oops. I guess I did not return since the last time. Well actually I was back amongst the computer users, BUT then summer really started and I got sidetracked. As usual.

Anyhow, lots of things happened since the last time and even though I would love to be able to let you in on everything, that will just not be possible because not only do I not want to get into details, I most probably don't remember all of them. Sucks, yes, I know. I should do an update everytime something remotely exciting happens, but no. I tend to have a life sometimes, and it does not always involve me being on the internet, as unbelievable as that may sound.

One thing that I DO remember though, is Brother Franklin. Here is a man, who changed my outlook on life the moment he jiggled his way up to the offering bucket. He was genuinely, or comically if you prefer, excited to go and give his dollar to the Lord. All of which I have absolutely no problems with seeing as I also grew up in the church and sometimes (most of the time) unwillingly put the one or sometimes even five dollars in the offering bucket. Something I hated simply because the moment money touches my hand, I can already see myself spending it. And that was the only time I was not allowed to, and it sucked.

But anyhow, here is Brother Franklin who is a little too happy to give his money. Money that he'll most probably regret offering when it's time to send some to the folks back home. You can call him the anti-me. Thank me later.

The best part of the video? The swan dive. Notice he has absolutely NO regard for those around him who are simply walking to to put money in the offering bucket. By my count, he almost injures 3 people with his antics, including himself.

And apparently, it is not the first time that he has done this. Brother Franklin is a repeat offender.

Brother Franklin for the win!

Esco out.